nancy shafee

Nancy Shafee is primarily a feltmaker, selling handmade gifts, fashion accessories, wedding flowers and decorative items, both 2D and 3D. She also makes biodegradable urns for cremation ashes (human and pets), acceptable for natural burial grounds.

Nancy is a creative butterfly – she works with vintage/recycled natural fabrics, or customers’ own textiles, making coiled fabric ‘memories baskets’, and further interests include plaster casting, willow, cane and rope weaving.

 She is a member of International Feltmakers Association, Heritage Crafts Association, Crafts Council, SAOS, The Textile Society, Oxshott Art & Crafts, Wey Valley Workshop, and Surrey Hills Enterprises, and she supports The Campaign for Wool.

 Nancy has been awarded the Trade Mark Surrey Hills, a new accreditation and a mark of local provenance, quality and sustainability. The Award promotes the very best of what Surrey has to offer and celebrates those organisations who share the values of supporting the local environment. 
